The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord (excerpts)



This book is a must-have for all women.
Here are a couple of excerpts from the book:

“The Lord brings calmness and order to a chaotic world.

The tranquility of contentment is the apex of existence.— if you can attain contentment and inner harmony, you are as fulfilled as and perhaps more at peace than the richest person in the world.
The woman has three relationships that must be balanced in order to achieve some semblance of fulfillment. The first is her relationship with herself, for a strong relationship with oneself is a necessary precursor to every other relationship in life.
If she relates well with herself and has a strong sense of self-worth, she can easily share her life with another person. Quiet moments alone allow us to explore how deeply we are committed to our own sense of healthy well-being and fortitude.
Update your life! I pray for your courage to endure what you cannot change. Completely remodel the things that you can.

Excellence is an ambition, not a pedigree. It’s about the woman’s destiny, not her origin. Excellence speaks to her self-perception and the standards that she will not deviate from. Do not be discouraged if you have failed or fallen in the past. Excellence is not based on past performance. It is a title given to someone who persisted and rose above her calamities.
A woman has the exhausting task of balancing her many roles. This task is accomplished only if a woman basks often in the light of God’s word and seeks Him for creative ways to balance herself. It cannot be done without prayer. It cannot be done without God.

We all want someone we can count on to stand by us through thick or thin. This is the lover who matters. Being a good lover is more than hips, lips and fingertips. It is the ability to hold the cold wind of life in your hot hands until the wind warms under your loving touch. It is standing by the bed until the light goes out in my eyes and you kiss my face one final time. It is the ability to stay with me until the machine stops and the ventilator ceases to pump air into my lungs and I speak one last time or squeeze your hand. If you ever have to fight a real storm, you need a lover, but not the kind you might normally seek. This is a lover of the day, not just the night.

Sex is a mere shadow of love. True intimacy occurs when the body is spent and the affection continues. It is the bonding of the hearts that gives the feeling of acceptance, not the tangling of flesh. We all want acceptance.

A man needs a good wife, whom he can trust with his heart. He needs to be able to place it with her and know it will not flutter or shake if it is in her firm embrace. Trust is the greatest struggle for most men. They often find it difficult to rely on anyone other than themselves. Trust is the root of love for a man. Where there is no trust, love has no place to be nourished.

A woman of virtue is rare indeed, but that is your challenge. Keep your heart focused and your gaze fixed. Be strong yet comforting, firm yet forgiving. Show your man that your are trustworthy. Guard his secrets and protect his heart. Praise him when he’s worthy and forgive him when he’s not. Be his cheerleader, his confessor, his haven of love. Let him know you are committed to his good and will never do him evil. Be his lover, his soul mate, his friend. Be a woman of virtue!

A partnership in which one person complements the other, one’s strength compensates for the weakness in the other and vice versa. Real strength is proven by our resilience and commitment to the other in times of great challenge. Take the wings of the morning, resurrect your relationship and heal yourself. Take the wings and lift yourself up to a place of excellence. With every sunrise, recognize the light of God shining down on you.

There is no relationship the lady can experience that is any more fulfilling than the relationship  that exists between her and her Lord. Father whose sound wisdom, counsel, and consistent love will insulate her from the adversary whom she must fight. Her Father becomes her protector. He protects her by His Spirit. He counsels her by His word. He forgives her through His blood and she is safe in His arms. The woman who knows the love of God is not desperate for the love of men because in His arms she has already found that for which her soul thirst. He will not fail her, He will not desert her, He will not leave her and He will not change. There is no human relationship that can quench the thirst of the soul like the touch of God. If a woman draws her water from Him, then she will not feel so parched in the presence of people. It is the mistake of many to look to a man to do what only God can do. How foolish it is to think that this poverty can be healed by human hands. This is the kind of emptiness that only the Lord can eradicate. A woman needs to know that there is a God who can know her darkest, deepest secrets and still have compassion for her. For until you touch Him, you will never really be made whole.

God is so in love with us that He even takes care of our mistakes. He is in love with you even in spite of your past. If it were left to man alone, he would forsake us.

When you seek Him first and make Him the top priority in your life, success in all things will follow. He will accessorize your life with fullness and completeness that is totally different from that which we can do apart form Him.

It is delightful to hear the tinkling sound of the laughter that comes from the mouth of a woman whose heart is filled with love and peace. We watch her like admirers in a museum. We appreciate her like connoisseurs of fine cuisine. But, when all is said and done, there is a part of her life that none can touch but her Lord.”